

What is the average salary in Tokyo?

In this article, we give an overview of the average salary in Tokyo. What is the average salary in Tokyo? The average annual salary in Tokyo for a full-time employee is ¥5,507,040 ($50,655). This works out to a monthly average of... More


What is the average salary in Japan by occupation and age?

In this article, we review the average annual salary in Japan by occupation, age, and gender, as we’ve had many readers ask for this information in response to recent posts on the cost of living in Tokyo for a single... More


What is the average starting salary in Japan?

April 1st marked the start of the new fiscal year for almost all companies in Japan, as throngs of young people started new jobs amidst the turmoil of the coronavirus outbreak. It’s now two weeks into April. Coronavirus or not... More


What is the average annual salary bonus in Japan?

Bonuses are an important component of total compensation for most workers in Japan. When you move to Japan for a job, it’s important to understand how bonuses can affect your total annual salary so you can plan out your life... More


What is the average starting salary in Japan? And which companies pay the highest starting salaries?

In this article, we give an overview of average starting salaries in Japan, average annual bonuses, and highlight companies with relatively high starting salaries. Average starting salary data below comes from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Annual Wage... More


Work in Shinjuku, Live Near Shinjuku: Here’s what you can rent on a ¥290,000/month salary

Welcome to this installment in the “work here, live there” series! In this series, we pick currently open jobs listed on GaijinPot Jobs and give examples of affordable apartments for that approximate salary. Our selection from GaijinPot Jobs this time is... More


Average Rent in Tokyo – The Most Expensive Stations on the Yamanote Line – 2019

Tokyo is a big city with thousands of neighborhoods, so it can be misleading to give a city-wide average in answer to the question of “What is the average rent in Tokyo?” Across the Tokyo 23 Wards, the average rent... More


What is the average work commute time in Japan?

In this article we take a look at the average amount of time people in Japan spend commuting to and from work. The average working person in Japan spends a total of 1 hour 19 minutes a day commuting for... More


How much do software engineers in Japan make? — Living in Japan Guides

In this article, we zoom in on average salaries for software engineers in Japan, which is part of our series on tips for living in Japan, working in Japan, and data on average salary in Japan. Finding an engineering job in... More


Why do foreigners leave their jobs at Japanese companies?

In this installment of the how to work in Japan series, we take a look at the flip side of researching average salaries in Japan, finding a job, and getting a work visa. No matter what country you work in or... More


What is the minimum wage in Japan?

In this article, we breakdown the current hourly wage in Japan by prefecture for 2019 and the projected minimum wage increase for the 2019 fiscal year. As reported on JapanToday, on July 31st, a government panel proposed that the average... More


What is the cost of living for a family of four in Tokyo?

In this article we take a look at the cost of living in Tokyo for a family of four. Please note that the cost of living estimates below are for an average family of four living in Tokyo. The scenarios... More


What are the best paying jobs and industries in Japan?

In this article, we review the average annual salary in Japan by occupation, age, and gender, using the latest available survey, in a follow up to last year’s post on What is the average salary in Japan by occupation and... More


Japan to Open Doors to 500,000 New Workers by 2025 to Alleviate Labor Shortage

The government announced on May 29th that it has put forth a draft law which will create a new framework for accepting foreign workers into Japan. This represents a policy shift, in that the law would create a new work... More


Buying a Home in Japan: Affordability Survey by Prefecture

Home affordability decreased for the average income earner in Japan last year. This is according to a data recently released by Tokyo Kantei, which shows that the nationwide income multiple (compared to the average price of a home) increased in 2016,... More


Questions your real estate agent will ask when you’re renting an apartment in Japan

When you rent an apartment in Japan, you’ll have to have a lot of information on hand even before you step inside for your first room viewing. Here are the questions you should prepare for! Questions about yourself These are... More


How to fill out a Japanese apartment lease application: Cheat Sheet with Translation

Use this cheat sheet to help you fill out a standard Japanese residential apartment lease application. We’ve broken the translation into five parts below, but the whole application is usually just one-page long:   Part 1: Rental Conditions 賃貸入居申込書: chintai... More


If I move to another city in Japan, do I owe residence tax to my previous city?

Since 2022 is just around the corner, we want to answer this frequently asked question. Many people move in January or between January and March, which is the busy season in the Japanese rental market. When you move from one... More


Useful apps for foreigners living in Japan

We’ve asked around to get the scoop on apps in Japan that are frequently used by foreigners! These apps can all help to make your life in Japan a little bit easier. Communication LINE Aside from the US which still... More


How affordable is it to buy a home in Japan compared to other countries?

Buying a home is one of the biggest financial and personal decisions most people will make in their lives. And “affordability” is only one of the factors you should look at. In a previous article, we discussed the issue of... More