Living in Japan

What are the best paying jobs and industries in Japan?

In this article, we review the average annual salary in Japan by occupation, age, and gender, using the latest available survey, in a follow up to last year’s post on What is the average salary in Japan by occupation and age?

The data below comes from an annual salary survey done by DODA, a Japanese job site.

What is the average salary in Japan?

In 2017, the average annual salary in Japan was ¥4,180,000 ($37,192 @ 112JPY to 1 USD).

This is a decrease of  ¥240,000 (about $2,135) compared to last year’s survey.

What are the best paying industries and jobs in Japan?

The best paying job type in Japan in 2017 was investment banking services, with an average annual salary of ¥8,550,000.

About two-thirds of the jobs in the Top 30 highest paying jobs are related to Information Technology (IT) and business planning.

The chart below shows the Top 30 job types, ranked by annual salary, in 2017.

Salary ranking in Japan by job type. Source: DODA (2017)

What is the average annual salary in Japan by industry?

The survey also ranked the industries with the highest average salaries. The top six industries in the list below had average salaries higher than the average overall salary (¥4,180,000): Specialist Professions (Consulting/Auditing), Planning & Management, Technology (Electric, Electronic, Machinery), Technology (IT/Communication), Sales, and Financial Services.

Average annual salary in Japan by industry. Source: DODA (2017)

What is the average salary in Japan by age?

Average annual salary does increase by age group, but there is a significant gender gap across age groups. The average annual salary for a person in their twenties is ¥3,460,000 ($30,893). The average salary for a 20-something man is ¥3,650,000 ($32,589), while the average salary for a 20-something woman is ¥460,000 less, at ¥3,190,000 ($28,482). The gender gap is most pronounced in the 50-something age segment.

Average annual salary in Japan by age and gender. Source: Doda (2017)

What is the annual average salary trend over the last few years?

The annual average salary reported by workers in the 2017 survey represented a 5.4% decrease compared to 2016. The chart below shows the average annual salary from 2008 to 2016.

Change in annual average salary in Japan (2008 to 2016). Source: DODA

You may also be interested in:  Cost of living in Tokyo and How much can a single working person save in Tokyo?, Average annual salary in Japan by occupation and age (2016)

Top photo: Rush hour at Shinagawa Station, Tokyo

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