What is the average rent in Fukuoka?

The overall average rent for the city of Fukuoka is ¥80,338 ($732), but average rent varies widely by the size and location of the property, among many other factors.

1R 1K・1DK 1LDK・2K・2DK 2LDK・3K・3DK 3LDK・4K・4DK 4LDK〜
Average of all
Fukuoka Wards
in JPY
35,857 37,729 60,357 78,500 103,557 166,029
Average of all
Fukuoka Wards
in USD @110JPY
to 1USD
326 343 549 714 941 1,509

Main factors affecting how rent is set

There are many factors that affect average rent. Even units in the same building can have different rent, depending on some of the main factors below.

  • Size and layout
  • Distance from nearest station (measured by number of minutes to walk to station)
  • Year built
  • Construction material (wood, reinforced concrete, steel-reinforced concrete, steel frame)
  • Floor number (the higher the floor, the higher the rent. First-floor apartments are on average less expensive)
  • Corner unit (corner units have higher average rent than middle units on the same floor)
  • Direction facing (south-facing apartments on average have higher rent)
  • Amenities
    • Examples include pre-installed A/C unit, auto lock, on-site building manager, garbage room, whether is a balcony and size of balcony, availability of on-site parking, availability of earthquake resistant construction. For very high-end apartments, amenities can include on-site gym, bilingual concierge service, party room, communal observation deck, city views from high floors, and much more.

Fukuoka City – By Average Monthly Rent and Layout

Apartment layouts in Japan are described by the number of rooms + the living/dining/kitchen area, if any.

In the charts below:

  • 1R = 1 Room: One room studio apartment. Usually between 13-sqm and 20-sqm in size.
  • 1K = K stands for kitchen. One-room studio apartment with a kitchen that is usually separated from the other room by a wall. Usually between 13-sqm and 25-sqm of floor space.
  • 1DK = D stands for dining, K stands for kitchen. Two-room apartment with a kitchen and dining space that is separated from the other room. Usually between 25-sqm and 30-sqm of floor space.
  • 1LDK = L stands for living, D stands for dining, K stands for kitchen. One-bedroom apartment with a living/dining room and a kitchen separate from the living/dining area. Usually between 23-sqm and 35-sqm of floor space.
  • 2LDK = Two-bedroom apartment with a living/dining room and a kitchen separate from the living/dining area. Usually between 40-sqm and 80-sqm of floor space but can be bigger in the case of higher-end apartments.
  • 3LDK = Three-bedroom apartment with a living/dining room and a kitchen separate from the living/dining area. Usually at least 70-sqm of living space but can be bigger in the case of higher-end apartments.
  • 4LDK = Four-bedroom apartment with a living/dining room and a kitchen separate from the living/dining area.


Source: National Association of Real Estate Transaction Associations (全国宅地建物取業協会連合会), May 2021 Data

Please click on the ward name to see properties currently available for rent in this ward.

Ward 1R 1K・1DK 1LDK・2K・2DK 2LDK・3K・3DK 3LDK・4K・4DK 4LDK〜
Higashi 30,200 31,800 52,200 62,900 90,700 113,300
Hakata 44,300 44,600 70,900 81,700 104,000 136,600
Chuo 44,200 46,400 76,500 120,000 143,800 379,000
Minami 35,600 36,700 56,600 65,900 88,800 119,500
Nishi 34,400 37,300 53,100 67,500 84,100 115,500
Jonan 28,300 29,800 48,800 59,300 77,100 118,200
Sawara 34,000 37,500 64,400 92,200 136,400 180,100

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Source:  National Association of Real Estate Transaction Associations (全国宅地建物取業協会連合会), May 2021

Lead photo: iStock 842434284

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